Under the theme “Reviving the Past, Documenting the Present for the Future,” the Grand Theater at NMEC hosted the launch of the third season of the Tablieyt Masr initiative, dedicated to reviving Egyptian traditional dishes, in collaboration with Sadko Group.
The event was attended by Dr. ElTayeb Abbas CEO of NMEC, along with a group of public figures, university professors, researchers, archaeologists, and enthusiasts of Egyptian heritage.
Dr. Tayyib Abbas, opened the celebration with a speech welcoming the guests and expressed his delight at the museum hosting this initiative, which achieved great success and public turnout in its previous seasons. The initiative sheds light on the intangible heritage of Egyptian cuisine, aiming to preserve it, promote culinary tourism, and raise awareness among the community and the younger generation on how to make healthy dietary choices. It also focuses on finding healthy alternatives to traditional dishes through various events and artistic workshops.